0260 431 306
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Scheduled Courses
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Certificate Courses
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Scheduled Courses
Scheduled Courses
Enter and Work in Confined Spaces Including CPR (RIIWHS202E and HLTAID009)
Enter and Work in Confined Spaces Refresher (RIIWHS202E)
Construction Induction (CPCWHS1001)
Work Safely At Heights (RIIWHS204E)
Fire Extinguishers (PUAFER008)
Warden / Evacuation (PUAFER005/008)
Chief Warden (PUAFER006)
Initial Response Team Member (PUAFER009)
Operate Breathing Apparatus (MSMWHS216)
Permit Coordintator / Issuer
Perform Rescue from a live low voltage panel – UETDRMP007
Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (HLTAID009)
Provide First Aid (HLTAID011)
Provide First Aid Refresher (HLTAID011)
Provide First Aid in an Education and Care Setting (HLTAID012)
Provide Advanced Resuscitation and Oxygen Therapy (HLTAID015)
Fire Safety Officer NSW
Fire Safety Officer Re certification NSW
Work Health and Safety Committee Member (PUAWHS001)
SafeWork NSW HSR 5 Day course
HSR NSW Refresher
UETDREL006 – Work safely in the vicinity of live electrical apparatus as a non-electrical worker